Friday, March 14, 2008

Ruby Slippers

I have become quite smitten with red shoes. My mom told me she always loved to have a red pair; perhaps it is hereditary. I took my kids to story time last week, and the librarian exclaimed, "What cute shoes!" as I whisked E past her so we could be prompt for Mr. Eddie's performance. She then spotted mine. "You, too!" I couldn't resist purchasing these adorable patent leather Mary Janes for E. Like mother, like daughter.


Mary Ann said...

adorable- I must say you have lovely feet!

Audrey and the Boys said...

I love red shoes too. I sadly don't have any because all of mine are too practical! I love that you and E have matching shoes!

Lauren said...

Cute pictures - a girl can never have too many shoes!

Kari said...

I love red patent shoes too. I just got a darling pair for my daughter on the super clearance rack from Target. I am so wishing they were my size.