Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Green bananas, green salad, green grapes, and green mac and cheese! What could be better? We topped it off with green milk. O loved thinking about all the green things we could eat and especially liked pinching S. who forgot to wear green today!


Jana said...

What a fun dinner! I'm impressed that you ate every single thing green. I hope your kids' stomachs did OK with those green bananas! :)It sure is fun to make holidays special for kids, isn't it? We had green pancakes this morning (I voted for green eggs and ham, but J outvoted me). We got shamrock shakes at McDonald's, too. They were "out" at the first McD's, so I drove my kids all the way across town to another McD's to get one. OK, it was really ME that wanted them that badly - but it was worth it! Hey, we ended up by their favorite toy store, so it was a two-for-one! Happy St. Patrick's Day to you, too! Baby Jack is 2 today.

Mary Ann said...

Good job! I as well did as many green foods as possible, Green Eggs and Ham, green sprinkle pancakes, etc. Pretty fun! We are jealous that we can't visit too!

melissa said...

You are such an awesome mom!