Sunday, February 24, 2008

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

I thought it would be fun to have a "Favorite Things" category - a way to share some of our sweet and special things, whatever they may be. I fell in love with this precious vintage board by Marta Peters when I saw it in a little antique shop window. She started a company called Moonlight & Roses and creates pieces from her vast collection of antique cards and memorabilia. The dainty fairy and flowers have the most beautiful sparkles on them. This print hangs in my E's nursery.


Audrey and the Boys said...

Your painting reminds me of the flower fairies that I had hanging on my wall as a little girl by Cicely Mary Barker. I still love them and my mom still has them at her house. I would love to decorate with them if I ever have a girl!

Jana said...

Didn't you have one of them on your wall at college? I remember a fairy. I looked them up online, and they are so sweet. If I have another girl, I want to get "The Apple Blossom Fairy."

Audrey and the Boys said...

Yes, I did take them to college. Mine was a purple one, I don't remember the name. I'll have to look it up!