Thursday, May 8, 2008

Tulip Poplar

Tulip Poplar Blossom

Do you see all the blossoms on the tree?

O and W checking out their tulip collection

This is a truely 'Dr. Suessical' tree. The tulip poplar grows full size tulips all over. This is the beautiful old tree that we swing on in our backyard. It is enormous. I can't even see the top of it. The flowers have blown out of the tree all over our backyard. The boys have been collecting them and getting their hands all gooey with nectar. I love each and every tulip that I am presented though!


Jana said...

When can I come visit?! I am missing green so much. It is already in the 90s here. We've had some beautiful days, but I would love to run barefoot through your grass. :)

Lauren said...

LOVE these photos - especially the one of your boys. It is an accomplishment to get them both looking in the right (but not same) directions. Hope it warms up in VA. This is my favorite time of year there.

Mary Ann said...

Ok- I am officially dense. I was looking out at Becky's tree and saw these beautiful yellow flowers blowing in the branches and I asked, what kind of tree? etc. I saw them on here but don't know my plants. She said -just like the one on Aud's blog. ha ha