Thursday, January 31, 2008

First Meeting

Just remembering my first meeting with J. How are the birthday plans coming? I never answered your question about food at O's bday party. My favorite kid pleaser is a ham and cheese crescent roll. I use roll dough and wrap it around ham and muenster in a crescent shape before baking. (You can save time by using store bought crescent rolls). I also do a variety of mini-muffins. The kids love popping them one by one in their mouths. I also cut lots of fresh fruit and always add yummy salad or spinach-artichoke dip for the adults. 

1 comment:

Jana said...

How sweet. Check out J.'s cheeks! They are still just as squeezable.:) The party plan is going well. I made little rockets with the invitations inside. The kids loved them. I will post some pictures of the party soon. Those are great food ideas.