Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wonder of wonders...

It happened. I actually grew something in my desert soil! Do you remember the teeny starts I planted months and months ago? Well, here they are in all their glory...

and here are the fruits of a day's picking.

It amazes me how the things that used to make my eyes roll as a teenager now bring me such pleasure. I remember learning to can in YW and thinking, "This is the most boring activity ever!" Yesterday I went to the store to buy a water bath canner, and I thought I would flip from the excitement of it all! I am going to can peaches from Apple Annie's Orchard and make my own salsa and freezer jam.

I made wheat bread on Monday, and I think I may have done in my KitchenAid! It actually started smoking!! I might just have to start saving up for a Bosch. I am now "saving up" for so many gadgets that I don't think I'll ever get to them all.

I have loved seeing shots of all your beautiful flora. The before and after photos were inspiring. Do you think now that I'm going to be here another two years I should plant some grass in our pebbled plot?

1 comment:

Audrey and the Boys said...

They look beautiful. I have to agree with admitting how much I have changed since being a teen. I used to think my dad and grandpa's gardens were so boring. Now I am so interested in growing things! I wish I had a bigger spot to garden in. We only have some grape tomatoes in a little pot. Next year I'm going to make some garden beds. Let me know how the canning goes. I haven't tried that yet. Also, I'd love to know what your favorite wheat bread recipe is.